47601 How to Deepen Your Relationship with God

Jesus appointed twelve “so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach and have authority to cast out demons.” (Mark 3:14) To grow in your relationship with God, there are two critical factors: abiding (“be with him”) and obedience (“send them out”). The truth cycle is involved in obedience …

47602 How to Live an Abundant Life in Christ

Jesus says, “I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly” (John 10:10).  The abundant life He promises may not be what we think it is. Our earthly minds tend to envision “the abundant life” as material abundance or a life of our dreams and aspirations. While material abundance is …

47603 How to Grow in Your Relationship with Others

There are two truths about relationships you need to accept. First, you cannot change others. You can change only yourself with the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Second, you bring to your relationship what is in your heart even when you are not aware of it. We all have anger, guilt, bitterness, hurt, pains, …

47701 How to Use This JO App to Introduce Others to Jesus

If we have seen and tasted the goodness of the Lord, it is natural that we desire to share the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus with others. And yet, sometimes, we may feel apprehensive because we don’t know what to say or where to start. Just like a tract, this JO App can be a …

47703 How to Use the Word of God

Christianity is primarily our relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. There are times when reasoning and persuasion are necessary for proclaiming the Gospel (see Acts 18:4). In all situations, introducing others to Jesus involves the spiritual realm and dynamics. For this reason, it is important to use the Word of God …

47803 How to Grow in the Knowledge of the Bible

Mini Bible College Offers Bible lessons including a complete survey of the Bible, plus additional teachings on the Sermon on the Mount and on Family and Marriage topics. Listen to the audio lessons and read/download the corresponding student workbook lesson that contains study questions to help you learn. (Go to Mini Bible College) BiblicalTraining.org More than 100 free …