42212.E Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

Endnotes Wilbur M. Smith, A Great Certainty in This Hour of World Crises (Wheaton, ILL: Van Kampen Press, 1951), 10, 11 The word Jesus uttered, “fulfilled” is tetelestai in Greek which is an accounting term meaning “debt paid in full.” It refers to the debt of our sins. Historian Will Durant reported, “About the middle …

48001 I Believe There Is a God

Where are you on your spiritual journey? A spiritual journey is perhaps one of the most important life-long journeys we take. It defines our worldviews and perspective on life. It gives us meaning and significance to what we do daily. It sets the direction for our life. But sometimes, we don’t know where we are. …

48002 I Believe I Have NOT Broken God’s Moral Standards

Great! You agree that there is God. Now, you may be asking “which god?” In this journey, we are talking about the supreme personal being who is the Creator of all realities. As such, God is holy, just, and righteous. He also defines goodness, beauty, and truth. God is love. He is light and life. …