47702 How to Use the Tracts

Tracts can be an effective tool to share the Gospel with others.

On this JO App, you will find tracts (main menu > Share Jesus > Other Tools for Evangelism > Tracts). The free tracts are available on our Y-Jesus.com site. It is downloadable in PDF and printable. It also can be shared with others. The tracts come in two sizes, 8 1/2 x 11 and A4.

Ideally, these tracts, if printed, should be on both sides of the paper. Then the entire presentation will be on one sheet of paper. Fold the paper in three folds.

You can simply hand out the printed tract. But the more effective way of using it is to read it through with others.

  1. Tell the person that this tract explains concisely how to have a relationship with God.
  2. Ask the person for permission to read it together.
  3. Starting from the beginning, read it out loud.
  4. Ask the person to read the Bible verses whenever you come across them.
  5. After each section of the tract, you can also ask the person if it makes sense or if there are any questions.
  6. At the end of the presentation, if the person trusts in Jesus as his/her Lord and Savior, make sure to help him/her connect with a local church or fellowship, or to plan to meet again for follow-up.
  7. If the person is not ready to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior, leave him/her with the tract.

Tracts you can use to share Jesus with others…
Eternal Answers