22408.3 Another Helper

Today’s Reading: John 14:15-17

Hearing God’s Voice for Today:

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.”

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True love always manifests itself in willing obedience. If you love your spouse, you will serve him or her. A marriage in which the spouse expresses love but never does what is right in marriage is living a lie.

And what is love? Love is not only an emotion; it’s emotion in motion. It’s a verb. It acts, gives, shares, and cares.

Jesus said that if you love him, you will obey his commandments. Obedience proves your love for him. It’s a very simple teaching.

While Jesus was with his disciples, he made an extraordinary promise for all his followers, including you. He said that he would ask the Father to send them “another Helper.” This “Helper” is the Holy Spirit. He is Jesus’ very presence.

Jesus promised the Spirit because he knew you would need every heavenly power, assistance, and resource available to face your daily trials. Inwardly, he will encourage you, and give you comfort, and help keep you moving forward in life.

The Helper will always encourage you. He will always remind you of your identity in Christ, and that your sins are forgiven. He is your defense attorney and he will refute any bogus charges and accusations made against you by the enemy.

The Helper is Jesus’ divine presence with and in you. He is with you always—even to the close of the age. He will give you the power to be Christ’s witness both locally and globally. He who lives in you is greater than the enemy who lives in the world.

Don’t fear when you are speaking to another person about Jesus— whether a peasant or a prince, a commoner or a king. The Helper will give you the words to speak when you need to speak them. Even if you are brought before people who are hostile toward him, you will never need to worry about what to say or how to defend yourself. The Helper will teach you at that time what to say.

When you believe, the Holy Spirit is placed within you so that you will be able to obey God’s decrees. He will teach you what is true. And he will empower you to face any mountain and see it dissolve into the depths of the sea.

Don’t be afraid, for the Lord is with you. God’s personal, powerful presence through the Holy Spirit will allow you not to fear, for he is your God. He will strengthen you and uphold you with his righteous right hand.

Even though you may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, he will be with you.

The Lord of hosts, the one who commands all the angel armies, is by your side.

And always remember: Jesus plus you equals all the powers in heaven are now at your disposal.

[from “Hearing the Voice of God” by Pastor David Chadwick, Moments of Hope Church, Charlotte, NC]