22408.2 Greater Works

Today’s Reading: John 14:8-14

Hearing God’s Voice for Today:

“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves. Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”

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Jesus told his disciples that he is in the Father, and the Father is in him. This is an astounding claim, a spiritual mystery. The finite human mind cannot grasp it. But it’s true.

There is a mutual indwelling presence of the Father in the Son, and vice versa. They are in union with one another. It’s a perfect love relationship. Yet along with the Holy Spirit, they are three distinct personalities. They comprise one God in three persons—a blessed Trinity.

You aren’t expected to understand this. Thoughtful, intelligent people through the ages have tried to explain the Trinity. But they can’t. All human attempts are inadequate. Would you want to trust a God whom you could easily explain?

Jesus then told his disciples that if they struggled to believe what he said, they could look at his works and amazing miracles. Who else but God could do such signs and wonders?

Finally, Jesus told them that they would be able to accomplish greater works than these.

What does this mean? When the Holy Spirit came upon them, his presence indwelt them permanently. Jesus’ word, works, and power would no longer be limited to his physical presence in a specific place. Rather, his followers everywhere would be able to do evangelism, teach about his kingdom, do deeds of compassion, pray for the sick, and see healings occur and the demonic flee.

Through the centuries, the number of Jesus’ followers has grown and their influence continues to expand. Lives, cultures, and societies are being transformed. His kingdom is advancing around the globe— all for his glory.

Have you done any of his works today? Have you shown his forgiveness to anyone? Have you shared his eternal truths? Have you prayed for someone and seen his miraculous power? Have you been an instrument for changing someone’s eternal trajectory? Have you offered a compassionate hand to a hurting person?

Those are among the reasons why Jesus created you. He wants you to be an instrument of his peace. He wants his power to flow through you to a dying world. He desires for you to invest your life in other people’s lives.

Open your heart, and let him fill you with his love. Then go to where he tells you to go, and give his love away. Work with enthusiasm, as though you are working for the Lord and not for people. He will reward you for all the good you do.

And he will do greater works through you than you could ever possibly imagine.

[from “Hearing the Voice of God” by Pastor David Chadwick, Moments of Hope Church, Charlotte, NC]