22408.4 Your Heart: God’s Home

Today’s Reading: John 14:18-24

Hearing God’s Voice for Today:

“Jesus answered him, ‘If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.’”

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Once again, we see Jesus saying that if you love him, you will respond by obeying his commandments. He said that obedience to him will bring a personal manifestation of his presence to you.

Jesus’ half brother, Jude, asked why the Lord would manifest himself to the disciples and not the world. The answer was simple. He couldn’t. This manifestation was for those who loved and obeyed him. This obedience proves love for him. The world doesn’t desire this. It’s anathema to the spiritual skeptic.

When you love and obey Jesus, both the Father and the Son come to make a home with you. And though they live in your heart, there are times when they feel as if they aren’t welcome. There are things in your heart that are inconsistent with their presence in you.

Is your heart truly their home? Do you give them total access to every one of your life’s rooms? Are there any rooms you won’t allow them to enter?

Is your life’s den littered with unholy literature and waste? Are there programs on your television, computer, or social media that would cause you to be embarrassed if they watched them with you? Why would you watch anything that you knew Jesus and the Father wouldn’t want you to watch?

Will you allow them to oversee your kitchen—watching your diet to make sure you eat correctly so your body remains healthy? To make sure you drink lots of water and not ingest too much alcohol, sugar, and bad carbohydrates?

How about the exercise room? Will you meet them there to exercise your body? If you remain sedentary, it will affect your spirit and soul. They are undeniably connected. If one part is neglected, other parts will be as well. Do you manage your body well, remembering the Holy Spirit indwells it?

How about your bedroom? The one sleeping with you is your spouse to whom you’re committed forever in marriage, correct? You do know that’s God’s original design and will, don’t you? Also, are you getting enough sleep to remain healthy? Are you burning the candle at both ends? If so, you are not as bright as you think you are. Physically healthy people need sleep. And they know that during their sleep the Lord will oversee them, give them his peace, and renew their bodies and spirits.

The Father and the Son will feel welcome in your heart when you love and obey their words.

And if you love them, you will give them complete access to every room. No part of your heart is denied access.

Your heart will be their home.

Has this happened?

[from “Hearing the Voice of God” by Pastor David Chadwick, Moments of Hope Church, Charlotte, NC]