48011 Pursue the Union with God

Congratulations! You are farther on your spiritual journey than most Christians! We encourage you to “excel still more” (1 Thessalonians 4:1), particularly in making disciples, sharing your faith, and helping others in their journey with Christ. You may already have tools and resources for evangelism and discipleship. That is great! If not, use the “Share …

48001.2 I Am Not Sure If There Is a God

You are not sure if God exists. You may be an agnostic who doesn’t think we can know anything about God. You neither believe nor disbelieve in God. If so, you may be interested in “Has Science Discovered God?“. Or, you may not have thought much about God until now. You may be spiritual, believing …

48001.1 I Do Not Believe in God

You selected “DISAGREE”. You do not believe that God exists. If you are open to exploring the possibility of the existence of God, there are several articles that discuss the existence of the Creator in the following series. Select the title below to go to the series. Intellectual or Personal There are many reasons why …

48002.1 I Am Morally Perfect

You chose “AGREE”, indicating that you have never violated God’s moral codes. That means you are morally perfect by God’s standards. God is the Creator of all things visible and invisible. He is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (free from our time and space). He is holy, righteous, and just. That means God is …

48003.1 I Can Be Good Enough to Earn My Way into Heaven

After all, no one is perfect. Our good deeds and efforts should count for something, shouldn’t they? If our good deeds outweigh all of our bad deeds, we should be good enough to earn our way into heaven. It sounds reasonable, even fair, but… Let’s first define heaven. There are many versions and ideas of …

48003.2 I Am Not Sure If I Can Be Good Enough for Heaven

You are not sure if you can be good enough to earn your way into heaven. The truth is, according to the Bible, that none of us is good enough. “Everyone has sinned and is far away from God’s saving presence” (Romans 3:23, GNT).  So, what happened? Here is the story. God Is Good God …

48004.1 I Don’t Agree with God’s Solution

You disagree that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead so you can have forgiveness for your sins. The statement covers a lot. Let’s break it down. Maybe, you don’t believe that Jesus is a real person. If so, “Was Jesus a Real Person?” is the starting point of your continued journey, …