32211 Our Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Growing Closer to God The Trinity When we want to have a closer relationship with the God of the Bible, it’s important to understand how He reveals Himself to us. Although God is relational like us, in other ways He is unique and beyond our comprehension. One of the ways God is beyond our comprehension …

32103 The Truth Cycle

Truth demands action. When we are exposed to truth, it solicits a response — either application or evasion. Romans 1 illustrates several principles about how to respond to God when He reveals truth to us. The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by …

32102 Perspective and Perception

What is the Truth? How can you separate fact from fiction?What is really going on?Who can you believe? Today’s choices are the building blocks of your future. Supernatural living uses truth as its foundation. Can you think of a situation you are facing that really concerns you? Wouldn’t it be great to know your decision …

32105 Your Situation from God’s Perspective

There is a great story in the Old Testament that demonstrates the importance of looking at your situation from God’s perspective. Here is the story. 8 Now the king of Syria was at war with Israel. He consulted his advisers, who said, “Invade at such and such a place.” 9 But the prophet sent this …

32104 Your Relationships from God’s Perspective

Many people are unaware of the spiritual influences within their relationships that affect every aspect of their life. They confine their thinking to the physical realm and consequently do not see the total truth. Their reality is limited only to what their five senses can perceive. But as followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit wants …

31030 Keys to Dynamic Relationship

It takes not only time and effort but also skills to have healthy, growing relationships between any two individuals or among a group of people. It is no different with your relationship with God. There are several things you need to know and practice to enjoy an intimate and dynamic relationship with God. Ten building …

31020 Daily Walk with God

For a love relationship to grow, whether it is a friendship, parent-child relationship, a marriage, or a romance, you must spend time together with that person. In the same way, your relationship with God must be cultivated and nurtured. You must give attention to God just as you would your loved one – your son …

31010 Love Relationship with God

Many people don’t think or care about God. Many more people have a wrong view of God that he is out there to take joy and freedom from them. Still, others feel guilty and unworthy to approach God because God is holy and righteous. Furthermore, there are many gods in this world. Most of them …

32711 Advancing Christ’s Kingdom

Advancing. The word implies movement and direction—things becoming different than they are now. Like a hiker trudging through thick forest for the promise of breathtaking panoramas ahead, we Christians believe we’re on a journey with a destination. Life is not just a meaningless mess of things, circular repetitions, or a choose-your-own-adventure. We are meant to …