22830 Introduction to KingdomNomics Converterlator

The KingdomNomics Converterlator, delves into the Biblical principles that clarify how we are actually agents of change in this world with rewards in heaven for all that we accomplish using those resources.

Each day provides new opportunities for us to serve God by strategically using the resources he has entrusted to us. A Converterlator is an agent of change; a transformer who not only experiences a life of joy now, but who also makes decisions that will echo into eternity.

A Converterlator sees the big picture, a picture that is bigger than just life here on earth. A Converterlator has a living relationship with God that makes an impact in our world and for eternity.

The Bible is clear that we will experience rewards in heaven. As we use our time, talent, and treasure for God’s kingdom, we will experience a life of opportunity, impact, and legacy.

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31-Day Devotional Series

  1. Becoming A Converterlator
  2. We Live in a Perishing World
  3. Life is Short!
  4. A Converterlator in Action
  5. The Reward Factor
  6. Satan, the Chief Consumerlator
  7. Choices, Choices, Choices
  8. The Compass of Life
  9. Focus on Jesus
  10. An Intimate Relationship with God
  11. Trusting God in All Things
  12. Converterlating and Soak, Sow, and Flow
  13. Gold vs. God
  14. The Power of God’s Word
  15. Activating God’s Word
  16. Encountering the Holy Spirit
  17. The Holy Spirit Seals, Reveals, and Deals
  18. Experiencing the Holy Spirit’s Power
  19. Designed by God for a Purpose
  20. God’s Toolbox
  21. God’s Plans and Purposes
  22. Eternal Significance
  23. Converterlating Your Time
  24. Making an Impact
  25. The Chief Consumerlator Wants Your Time
  26. Finding Balance
  27. Converterlating Your Talent
  28. Your SPECIAL Design
  29. Changed Perspective
  30. Weaving a Pattern of Giving
  31. Echo into Eternity

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