22412.1 Follow Me

Today’s Reading: John 21:20-23

Hearing God’s Voice for Today:

“When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, ‘Lord, what about this man?’ Jesus said to him, ‘If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!’”

* * * * *

Jesus had just told Peter that one day he would be asked to give his life in martyrdom for him. Peter turned around and noticed John following along. He asked, “Lord, what about this man?” He wanted to know if John would suffer martyrdom as well.

But that was not Jesus’ plan for John. Yes, he would face persecution and pain, be arrested, and be exiled to the island of Patmos. Along with the Gospel of John, he would pen three letters to the churches. Plus he would reveal the insights Christ would give him into the end times in the book called Revelation.

Jesus would use John mightily. But John would not be martyred. He would die of old age after having faced his own trials.

Every person who follows Jesus goes through various trials. None of his disciples will be immune to them, though he is dealing with each one differently.

When you experience your trials, trust Jesus’ plan for your life. Don’t examine what he is doing with other people. Avoid the snare to compare. Only two things can happen when you do this, and both are bad. You’ll either become proud or jealous. The Lord uses all his followers according to his perfect will. His plan for others is not his plan for you, and vice versa.

In fact, if you knew what Jesus was doing in other people’s lives, you might stop making comparisons. You probably wouldn’t want to go through what they are experiencing. Jesus gives each person the grace that is needed to face each trial he must face.

In your trial, Jesus is conforming you to his image. That’s his will for you. As he lives in you, he wants you to become more and more like him. He desires that you be molded to his image, which is your hope of glory.

Jesus’ plan for you is perfect. He has things for you to do on earth that only you can do. He commands you to walk in love. Blessed are those who hear God’s Word and obey it without hesitation. Don’t be just a hearer of his Word, but be one who insists on doing what it says.

Be faithful to his calling. Press on toward what he has asked you to accomplish.

The Lord has begun a great work in you. And he will be faithful to complete it.34

Christ is preparing you for eternity. He is burning off all your imperfections. He is making you pure, holy, and spotless through everything you experience in life. He is using everything that happens to you for

 He has a perfect plan for every single one of his followers. His plan for you is unique. No one else can do it but you. How he designs it to accomplish his will for you is up to him. Your job is to trust him no matter what. Believe that whatever is happening to you is exactly what you need so you can be conformed to his image.

Therefore, quit looking at what he is doing in others. Stop making comparisons.

What is that to you?

You follow him.

[from “Hearing the Voice of God” by Pastor David Chadwick, Moments of Hope Church, Charlotte, NC]