22410.7 It Is Finished

Today’s Reading: John 19:28-30

Hearing God’s Voice for Today:

“After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said (to fulfill the Scripture), ‘I thirst’…When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

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Jesus knew death was near. He knew his work on earth was almost complete.

Before he died, he said, “I thirst.” There was a specific reason. He was fulfilling a specific prophecy. Psalm 22 is a messianic psalm. It looks forward to the Savior and addresses the righteous one of God suffering in thirst (verse 15).

Every word of God’s Word is true. The Holy Spirit authored it. It was not written by fiat. Every word in it was written for a reason.

The Savior’s thirst on the cross shows his humanity. He was totally divine and human at the same time. Because of his humanity, there is no temptation that you face that he is not aware of. When you become weary, remember that he became weary. When you feel alone, know that he felt the same way. He desired human relationships, as you do. He faced death, as you do. He became thirsty, as you do.

That means there’s nothing you experience in this life that he doesn’t understand. As your eternal friend, you can lean on him with all your burdens. He understands them all. He empathizes with your every hurt. He will help you carry them.

Then, after Jesus drank the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he died.

What is the “it” that Jesus finished? “It” is the finished work of your salvation. He had completed the work on earth for which he’d been sent. Where Adam had failed to obey God’s moral law, Jesus was successful. He had finished living the perfect, sinless, and righteous life no human could ever live. He had met every single aspect of the righteous requirements of God’s law.

Jesus had to be perfect God and perfect man for forgiveness to occur. He had to be perfect man and meet the law’s requirements to substitute his life for yours. He had to be perfect God to pay the price for your sin. God is the offended party with your sin. Only he can grant forgiveness.

Jesus bore the penalty for your sin. Your debt to the heavenly Father was paid in full. Jesus’ obedience to what the Father had asked him to do was now complete.

Jesus “gave up” his life. His spirit was released from his body. In three days, it would be covered in a new, glorious, and perfect resurrection body.

On the cross, the Savior finished the work of righteousness you could not accomplish. He now offers you the forgiveness of your sins through his completed work on the cross. It’s a gift offered to you, the gift of eternal life—all by grace through faith.

Have you received this free gift today? Yes, it’s easy for you to obtain. But it cost the heavenly Father everything to make it easy for you to receive—even the death of his only Son. But he desired to make salvation easy for you because of his great love for you.

He loves each of us like there is only one of us.

If you have received this free gift, your sins are forgiven. You need never fear death. You have eternal security in the Lord.

It’s guaranteed by Jesus’ finished work.

[from “Hearing the Voice of God” by Pastor David Chadwick, Moments of Hope Church, Charlotte, NC]