22409.7 Jesus Prays A Specific Prayer for You

Today’s Reading: John 17:15-16

Hearing God’s Voice for Today:

“I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.”

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Here, Jesus continues in his prayers for his disciples—and this includes you.

His prayer is that you will never withdraw from the fallen world in which you live. At times, you may want to. But it is better that you don’t.

God’s will for your life is that you remain in the world. You are to try to influence it for good. You are to point people to Jesus and advance his kingdom on earth.

You are salt and light in the world. Salt is effective only if it’s out of the saltshaker. When placed in meat, it gives taste and serves as a preservative. Likewise, light is effective only when it’s shone into darkness. Then it can show people the next steps by which they can move forward.

Jesus’ call for you to remain in the world will be challenging. There will be times when the world hates you. It hated him as well. Even so, the Father needed to send his Son. He couldn’t do the work he wanted to do in this world unless Jesus entered a stable in Bethlehem. Likewise, you cannot do the work Jesus calls you to do unless you are in the world.

As you do Jesus’ work in the world, he is praying that you will be kept from the evil one. Satan hates you just as he hated Jesus. He wants to kill, steal, and destroy. Learn about his wiles and resist them. Stand firmly against him. When you do, he will flee.

Don’t allow the world to conform you to its pernicious priorities. You are a citizen of Christ’s kingdom. You are dead to the gods of this world. Live by the Lord’s standards. Your old life has passed away. A new one has come. Your heart’s desire should be to glorify Jesus.

You are in the world, but not of the world.

As salt, you make people thirsty to know the Lord. As light, you enable people to walk in truth toward him.

Today, live for Jesus in the world.

Walk closely with him and carefully for him. Work willingly and with enthusiasm at whatever you do. The Lord is your boss, not people. You are serving him. Show love to everyone you meet.

Ask people about their needs. Write them down and pray for them. If possible, let them know you’re praying for them. If answers come, see them marvel on God’s gracious responses.

Be a funnel of God’s grace and mercy to all with whom you come in contact. Your mission field is wherever you are, caring for the people around you at that moment. Wherever you may be affords you a grand opportunity to serve the Lord.

Be generous in all you give. You are like a farmer sowing seeds into the world. If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. But if you sow abundantly, you will reap abundantly. You will experience a generous crop.

Be in the world. Be faithful as you work in the world. Be generous in all you give.

Do this, and one day you will hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

[from “Hearing the Voice of God” by Pastor David Chadwick, Moments of Hope Church, Charlotte, NC]