22407.8 The Importance of Love and Humility

Today’s Reading: John 13:21-30

Hearing God’s Voice for Today:

“One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table close to Jesus, so Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus of whom he was speaking.”

* * * * *

Jesus and his disciples were celebrating the last supper. It was a sacred moment. The next day, Jesus would face the cross.

During the meal, he announced that one of them would betray him.

They were eating in a circle, reclining on their elbows around a table. Each person to the right of another had his head at the breast of the person to his left. This made it easy for an intimate conversation to occur between two people without others hearing it.

After Jesus announced he would be betrayed, Simon Peter motioned to the disciple next to Jesus—the one whose head was on the Lord’s breast, to ask who would betray him.

Throughout the Gospel of John, this disciple is called the disciple “whom Jesus loved.” He surely was. He was John, one of the sons of Zebedee, whom Jesus chose along with John’s brother James. Together with Simon Peter, John was a member of Jesus’ inner circle. His heart was devoted solely to the Lord. He desired, above all else, to do Jesus’ will.

Would this describe you? Would Jesus call you a disciple whom he dearly loved?

That is his heart’s desire. If you passionately love Jesus, it’s most likely because you have discovered how much he first loved you. You love him in response to knowing how much he loves you and his willingness to give up his life for you.

Have you ever wondered why John always referred to himself as the disciple “whom Jesus loved” instead of using his actual name? Many believe it was because of his humility. He didn’t desire his name to be closely attached to Jesus. He felt his readers would see it as self-promotional and prideful.

John wanted all attention and applause to be given to Jesus. He didn’t want any glory for himself. He realized God crowns the humble with victory. He believed that humility precedes honor. He understood that the humility of a child is the way someone enters the kingdom of God. He knew that all glory belonged solely to the Lord.

Jesus loved John’s unabashed love and humility.

Does your life emulate John’s? Do you love Jesus as he did? Do you seek after humility? Do you know that everything you have in life comes from the Lord? Do you realize that true love for Jesus recognizes that before you ever loved him, he first loved you? Have you pondered recently the reality that he gave his life as an atoning sacrifice for your sin?

Love and humility are two major benchmarks that prove you belong to Jesus.

Pursue them both today—and all days.

[from “Hearing the Voice of God” by Pastor David Chadwick, Moments of Hope Church, Charlotte, NC]