22210.028 The Good Woman

Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting. A woman who fears the Lord—she makes herself praiseworthy.
(Proverbs 31:30)

The condition of women is the criterion by which a society may be judged. To Solomon, the virtuous woman had value far beyond any measure of material wealth. The good woman is sensitive to and reflective of God and she is in all ways distinct from the good man with spiritual intuitions and eternal insights.

Missing in Solomon’s world is the modern concept of the “liberated woman”—an independent person involved in her own business or profession. Solomon depicts the good woman as being highly relational and most often united in marriage. She is a friend and confidante. She has her husband’s best interest at heart: “She will not hinder him but help him all her life.” (Proverbs 31:12) The good wife becomes a crown to her husband and his power and influence in his community or country is directly and indirectly related to her. The good woman is industrious, business-like, active, trustworthy, gracious, cheerful, generous, compassionate, honest, humble, and loving.

What is your definition of a “good woman”? What qualities in your mother/wife/sister will you admire in 30 years? How can you edify the women in your life? How can you better demonstrate your love to the good women in your life?

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