22210.006 Humility/Pride

After pride came, disgrace followed; but wisdom came with humility.
(Proverbs 11:2)

The proud person is convinced of his own intrinsic superiority, boasting of his/her possessions, abilities, and honors. Increasing worth, public accolades, and an increasing retinue of flattering friends further prepare the proud person for destruction. Pride isolates one from accountability, criticism, and counsel and the proud person believes that he/she is above reproof. The one who refuses correction becomes a synonym for poverty or shame but the humble person seeks out and listens to wise counsel and is always eager to learn. The lowly person consequently becomes wise.

Pride also brings conflict and strife. It is the exaggerated sense of great inherent worth and personal dignity that is easily threatened and quick to defend itself. It is the same hypertrophied sense of self-importance that is often unwilling to make peace lest it seem weak in the eyes of onlookers. Pride contends that it is innocent; whereas, humility realizes its wrongs. A haughty spirit is a curse to the one who has it and to those who must be subjected to it. Contrition is what the Lord desires. To Solomon, it is not possible to think too humbly or to bow too lowly before the all-powerful-all-present-all-knowing Creator of the universe. Pride is hateful to God, who resists the proud and gives grace to the humble and whether he knows it or not, the proud person comes into direct conflict with the Lord.

Do others consider you proud or humble? How often do you use the pronoun “I” in conversation? Do you have friends who can tell you the unadulterated truth? Are you truly accountable to anyone? Can you readily admit when you are wrong? Do you try to build up your friends and family or tear them down? Are you satisfied with your present balance between pride and humility?

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