22010.315 Week 45: Review and Reflect

As you take a day to reflect on the past week’s lesson and devotionals, what difference is it making in your life that you know you have a relationship with a loving heavenly Father? What is He teaching you about Himself and His plans and purposes?

Take few moments to reflect upon all that you read this week and how it is making an impact on your life. As you do that, go back to the lessons or devotionals that you want to reconsider … or that you missed!

Quick Links

Jesus Heals a Lame Man

We Just Hate Looking Foolish!

What’s Your Treasure?

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Is Your Heart in the Right Place?

Praise God!


The lesson this week focused on Jesus’ compassion as seen in his interaction with a lame man. The lesson concluded with this challenge: Recall a time when you treated someone with God-led compassion. How did that experience affect you? How did the other person respond?

Why is God’s compassion such an important character quality for us to know and experience?

Which of this week’s devotionals was most meaningful to you?

Which of this week’s devotionals was most encouraging to you?

In “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus,” Beth Yoe wrote: “Just because we are in the middle of a great turmoil does not for one second mean that we are not in the center of God’s will”

In what ways is your focus on the wind and turbulence of your circumstances?

What steps do you need to take to make your first response to focus on the truth of Jesus?

Yesterday, in “Praise God!” Beth Yoe wrote: “Faith comes in believing what God says is true. It is trusting that He has our best interest at heart and that His ways work out to our advantage in the end. This is not to say that our paths will be easy or painless but they will always accomplish God’s good work in us. We can trust Him.”

What in your life do you need to trust Jesus in today?

Go a Step Beyond

Take a few minutes to be still and know God is your provider, counselor, strength giver, peace giver, and so much more. For inspiration, watch the following video: Be Still

Write It on Your Heart

Take a few minutes to memorize this verse:

“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” —Philippians 3:7–8