22010.287 Week 41: Review and Reflect

Time for some reflection. What are you learning about Jesus’ life and teachings as you read the devotionals from the book of Matthew? In what ways is your life becoming more Christlike day by day?

If necessary, go back and read anything you received this past week that you want to reconsider … or that you missed!

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Live for Eternal Significance

Exalted by God

Our Work for God

Reluctant or Willing?

Faithful in Service



How did you answer the question included at the end of this week’s lesson, “Live for Eternal Significance”: In what ways are you able to use your time, talent, and treasure to echo into eternity?

What are your thoughts about having your life echo into eternity? Have you thought about this before?

How can you be more intentional with the use of your time, talent, and treasure?

In “Exalted by God,” Beth Yoe included this quote by Thomas a Kempis: “Man sees your actions, but God, your motives.”

How does this quote relate to the issue of using your time, talent, and treasure in a way that will echo into eternity?

Which of this week’s devotionals was most meaningful to you?

In “Accountable,” Beth Yoe wrote: “The failure of the servant to put his talents to work was an indication of his lack of faith in the master’s response to him upon his certain return. The servant failed to put forth any effort to improve the lot given him.”

In what ways do the ways in which you are using your time, talent, and treasure show your faith, or lack of faith, in God?

In what ways are you currently focused on living for eternal significance?

Go a Step Beyond

Life can be hard! If you are looking for some additional encouragement or inspiration, take some time to watch and listen to Pastor Tony Evans. The video we are recommending for this week contains an entire sermon of reassurance and motivation to persevere. When You Feel Like Giving Up

Write It on Your Heart

Take a few minutes to memorize this verse:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” —Colossians 3:23–24