22010.182 Week 26: Review and Reflect

This week we came to the end of the series on the Sermon on the Mount. What is one key concept you have incorporated into your life because of the past weeks of focus on these words of Jesus?

If necessary, go back and read anything you received this week that you want to reconsider … or that you missed!

Quick Links

Hear God’s Word

Living for Jesus

The Right Foundation


The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

The Beginning of the End


This week’s lesson brings us back to a focus on reading God’s Word.

The lesson began with listing five ways we experience God’s Word: hear it, read it, study it, memorize it, meditate on it.

Which one of these is easiest for you?

Which one do you need to give more focus to?

The lesson concluded with a discussion of the four steps we need to take when we hear God’s Word: receptivity, comprehension, conviction, transformation.

Which one of these four steps do you tend to focus on?

Do you typically go through all four steps?

What do you need to do to actually make sure you get to and through the transformation step of letting God’s Word change you?

In the devotional “Living for Jesus,” Beth Yoe wrote, “God is not looking for an outward, ritualistic relationship with His children. He desires inward obedience, as our desire, not as a burden.”

Are there areas of your life that represent an “outward, ritualistic relationship” with God? What do you need to do to change that?

What areas of your life represent an “inward obedience”?

In general, the theme this week was “doing” the Word of God. Are you a “doer” of God’s Word?

In what ways do people see the Word of God in your life?

What action do you need to take this week to be more obedient to God’s Word?

Go a Step Beyond

This week’s lesson brings us back to the priority of letting God’s Word guide our lives. Take a couple of minutes to be challenged and encouraged by this week’s recommended resource: How to Develop an Appetite for Bible Study

Write It on Your Heart

Take a few minutes to memorize this verse:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” —Matthew 7:21