22010.051 You Matter to Jesus!

“Now at that very moment his disciples came back. They were shocked because he was speaking with a woman. However, no one said, ‘What do you want?’ or ‘Why are you speaking with her?’” —John 4:27

Arriving on the scene, the disciples are amazed to find Jesus talking with a woman—and a Samaritan woman at that! To their credit, they speak not a word! They perhaps wondered why He would stoop so low as to talk with such a contemptible woman—a woman fully deserving of scorn and reproach. And yet, isn’t it interesting how we also so quickly size up others and are blinded to our own flaws?

“All of us had wandered off like sheep; each of us had strayed off on his own path.” —Isaiah 53:6

“Just as it is written: ‘There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, together they have become worthless; there is no one who shows kindness, not even one.’” —Romans 3:10–12

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” —Romans 3:23

It seems that the disciples were often taken aback by Jesus’ actions, only to discover later the purposes behind them. Therefore, this time they appear cautious in asking Him about His conversation with the woman. They seemed to understand this time that Jesus had some good reason for this interaction.

We can trust what Jesus says and does because He plainly stated that He came only to do His Father’s will. He tells us:

“For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me.” —John 6:38

And what was Jesus’ mission? It is perhaps best summed up in the following words:

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” —Luke 19:10

No soul too low, no sin too grave, Jesus came to seek out all who are lost. 

Become More

“I remember two things: that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Savior.” —John Newton

“How rarely we weigh our neighbor in the same balance in which we weigh ourselves.” —Thomas a Kempis

Further Reflections

“You know to what extent You have already changed me, You who first healed me of the lust of vindicating myself, so that You might forgive all my remaining iniquities, and heal my diseases, and redeem my life from corruption, and crown me with loving-kindness and tender mercies, and satisfy my desire with good things.” —St. Augustine

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