25216 Suggestions for Study

About this Bible Study

  • The Bible passage included in this study guide is from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. Feel free to use a different translation if you like.
  • The study questions are designed to encourage you to think deeply about God’s Word and to help you open yourself to more of His love.
  • If you cannot print this study guide, you can write your answers on a separate sheet.
  • This study can be used individually or with groups.

Suggestions for Individual or Group Study

  • Begin and end your reading and study time with prayer. Ask God to help you understand the Bible passages and reveal more of Himself to you. Thank Him for your time together.
  • Read and reread the Luke passage as you work through each of the lessons. Reflect on what you have read and see if anything stands out to you.
  • Do not feel you must answer the questions all at once or in any particular order. Even choosing a few questions will allow you to benefit from the study.

Suggestions for Group Study

  • Each time you gather with your group, come prepared—ready to share, ready to listen and ready to learn.
  • As the group leader guides the discussion and encourages members to share their thoughts and ideas, be willing to participate, but try not to dominate. Listen to others in the group without judging them. What the Holy Spirit shows you will not necessarily be the same as what He shows someone else.
  • Remember that what is shared in the group stays in the group. Being able to share without fear of being talked about helps create a safe place for honest discussion and healing.

Suggestions for Group Leaders

  • Begin and end each group time with prayer.
  • Unless the Holy Spirit specifically leads you otherwise, help the group stay focused on the passage being studied.
  • Encourage group members to listen and learn from each other without judging.
  • Give everyone opportunities to share. Imagine that Jesus is in your group; see how He interacts with other members. Love those around you, being sensitive to their needs and backgrounds. Encourage all to come to a deeper understanding of God and His love.
  • As the leader, try not to dominate the discussion with “right” answers. God will teach each member through the verses being discussed and through the insights of others in the group.
  • Be assured that the Holy Spirit will guide you and give you the strength and wisdom you need to be a thoughtful, caring leader.

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