20012 Activity Time with God

As you go through your day engaging in various activities, remember that God is with you. In fact, as a believer, the Holy Spirit actually resides within you. But even though God is always with you, it is easy to forget about his presence as we engage in the various activities of the day.

And the LORD said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)

“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20, NLT)

Awareness of God‘s Presence

Wherever you go, God is always with you (just like your hand). So use the fingers of your hand as a reminder of five ways to watch how God may be demonstrating his presence and involvement throughout your day.

1. God‘s Loving Presence

In what ways is God demonstrating his loving kindness and goodness to you today?

2. God’s Empowering Presence

How are you noticing God enabling you to do above and beyond your natural capabilities through the help of the Holy Spirit?

3. God’s Illuminating Presence

When are you experiencing flashes of insight that provide guidance and understanding related to what you are doing today?

4. God‘s Sovereign Presence

Where are you seeing God orchestrate circumstances that affect you and others today?

5. God‘s Comforting Presence

When are you experiencing supernatural peace and joy amid difficulties?

Tips for Activity Time with God


Take a moment to enjoy the beauty, intricacy, and diversity of God’s creation.


Pay attention to people. Jesus died for each person so they can have a personal relationship with him for all eternity. Be aware that Jesus wants to love people through you. Allow him to express joy, kindness, and encouragement to the people you meet.


Interruptions can be frustrating because they get in the way of our plans. When you have an interruption, ask the Holy Spirit how he wants you to respond and what God may want to accomplish as a result.


Delays can also be difficult because we are usually in a hurry. Thank God for delays trusting he is sovereignly working to accomplish his purpose. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you patience and the other fruit of the Spirit. Then others will see Christ living in and through you.


Expect surprises. God is the master of a surprise because it is a way he demonstrates his sovereign control of circumstances and why we need to trust and depend on him.


Pay attention to situations where you were in danger but God intervened to deliver you from harm.


Watch for ways God is meeting the needs that you have.


Remember that God is with you even when you feel alone. Look inward and engage with him.

Pray Continually

Make it a habit to talk to God throughout your day — probably more in your mind than audibly. He is there with you. Share your thoughts with him. Ask him for his involvement in what you are doing. Thank and praise him for what you notice. Do life together with him.

Resources for Activity Time with God

The following articles can guide you on how to become more aware of God’s presence and actively watch for ways God is at work in your daily life.

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