20011 Quiet Time with God

As Christ-followers, we need focused daily time with God to cultivate an intimate love relationship with him. It is time alone with him, free from interruptions, where he has our full concentrated attention. The priority is to grow closer to God by communicating and being with him.

“But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6, NLT)

Avoiding Distractions

Various distractions can hinder your ability to have a meaningful quiet time with God.

Environmental Distractions

As much as possible, try to find a time and place for your quiet time that minimizes external interruptions. For many people, early mornings or late evenings are quieter times with less activity.

Time Distractions

Most people have busy schedules and so they feel they can’t devote much daily time to being alone with God. Don’t let time pressures interfere with the quality of your time with God. Whether its an hour, half an hour or just 10 minutes, set a timer so you don’t have to keep thinking about leaving. Focus your attention on God, not your clock.

Emotional Distractions

Sometimes you may not feel like getting alone with God. Your lack of desire may be caused by disobedience, guilt, or shame. Or maybe it is just indifference to wanting a closer relationship with God. Regardless of the reason, spending that special time with God is even more important under those circumstances. Get alone with God and be transparent about your feelings. Although he already knows the condition of your heart and your situation, it is very beneficial for you to discuss it with him. If you don’t even know what to say, ask the Holy Spirit to help you communicate with God and to change your heart.

Mental Distractions

You may have a lot of things going on in your life. And so, when you spent time alone with God, you may find your mind wandering to thoughts about your circumstances or pressing activities. When you begin your quiet time, take a minute or two to release your thoughts and mental activity to the Holy Spirit. Entrust them into his care so you can more fully concentrate on God. If your thoughts still drift away from focusing on God, don’t get frustrated. Just reorient your thinking again or spend some time discussing your thoughts with God.

Demonic Distractions

Occasionally you may experience unexplainable random thoughts or feelings that interfere with your quiet time. Usually, they will cause you to wonder, “Where did that come from?” Demons are able to interject deceptive thoughts into your brain or manipulate your feelings. If you experience that, take a stand against the evil one by verbally rejecting the thought and/or feeling. Ask the Holy Spirit to help guard your mind and heart by delivering you from the assault and shielding you from further attacks.

Tips for a Better Quiet Time


The right kind of music can engage your thoughts and emotions in meaningful worship. Use songs that speak to your heart during your times with God.

Bible Reading

As you spend time in God‘s word, read with observation questions in mind that help you draw out insights. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal new insights to you.


Whether you are reading the Bible or a devotion, highlight, or underline portions that seem most meaningful to you. The process will help you remember more and enable you to review past insights.


Write down your thoughts about God and what he is showing you. Writing is a wonderful way to capture meaningful thoughts, feelings, and insights during your special times with God. Then they can stimulate even more meaningful interaction with God as you review them during future quiet times.


Create playlists on your phone with special songs for your worship time. Set your phone timer for when you need to leave and then stop thinking about your schedule and totally focus on God.


If thoughts about important things you need to do keep interrupting your time, quickly jot them down on a piece of paper and then dismiss them from your thinking so you can concentrate on God.


The value of your quiet time is not determined by what you get out of it, but rather by honoring God with dedicated time focused on him. If you leave your quiet time without having received a new insight or being moved emotionally, you will be tempted to think your time was not worthwhile. We naturally place value on things based on what we get out of them. But you have just spent time focused on God and he sees that as having the utmost value. Your quiet time is devoted to relationship building with a heartfelt desire to grow closer to God. That has tremendous value regardless of what God chooses to give back to you during that time.

Snuggle Time

Don’t think of your quiet time as being an academic exercise or business meeting with God. You are his dearly loved child and this is the time when you are climbing into the lap of your Abba Father for a special time together.


Don’t feel the pressure to constantly be talking to God or reading or doing some other activity during your quiet time. Silence is necessary so you can hear thoughts and impressions from the Holy Spirit. Allow yourself to be still before your loving Father and listen with your spirit.

Holy Spirit

Depend on the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you cultivate your relationship with God. It is only through his involvement that your quiet time will become a supernatural, spiritual experience.

Resources for Your Quiet Time

If your quiet time with God is stalled or stagnant, use Today’s Inspirations (accessible on the Dashboard) and the “Time with God” section (in the main menu) of this app, and ask the Holy Spirit to stimulate your spirit. He will help you develop a more meaningful relationship with God.

Select from the following list of article series available in this JO App.

>> The Bible

>> Highlights in the Gospel of Mark

>> 40 Days of God’s Love

>> Understanding God’s Will

>> Prayer Starter

>> The Lord’s Prayer Guide

>> Worship

>> Praise God with Songs

>> God’s Majestic Qualities

>> God’s Special Names for Special Purposes

>> Receiving Insights from God

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