32922 God’s D.E.S.I.G.N. for You

You are created to be. . .

Directed through correct spiritual alignment

Don’t let your body or soul run your life. Choose to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading of your spirit. Stay in alignment with God.

  • Throughout each day do you frequently check to see who is controlling your life?

You are created with the . . .

Elements of spirit, soul and body

You were born with a spiritual vacuum that can only be filled by God through Jesus Christ. Don’t be fooled into believing you can satisfy that inner void through psychological enrichment or physical experiences.

  • Is your spiritual development a priority in your life?

You are created with a . . .

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. design

Learn all you can about your special design so that you can be more focused on God’s unique mission for you. Stop comparing yourself to others and don’t be a carbon copy, because God has custom designed you to be unique.

  • Do you regularly thank God for your special design, or do you find yourself wishing you were like someone else?

You are created for . . .

Intimacy with God

Pursue intimacy with God because nothing else will bring the same degree of fulfillment. The infinite God of this universe was willing to die on a cross for our sins so that we can have a relationship with him. As we take time to get to know him better we can’t help but love him all the more.

  • Are you humbly and diligently pursuing intimacy with God, or are you content to have a distant, secondhand relationship with him?

You were created in . . .

God’s image

Like God, we have a personality with the power of self-consciousness and self-determination. We were created to possess knowledge, righteousness and holiness.

  • Do you try to imitate God‘s love, forgiveness and holiness in your behavior, or are you mimicking the self-centered, self-indulgent lifestyles of the world?

You were created with . . .

Needs for psychological well-being

Don’t settle for an illusion of acceptance, security, and significance, because God wants you to experience the real thing. Only God offers unconditional love, total acceptance, absolute security, and eternal significance forever.

  • Do the priorities in your life reveal that you are basing your self-worth on God’s promises, or on the false hopes promoted by the world system?

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