91054 How Derek Discovered God

Many young people are being taught that science has proven there is no God. One of those is a young student from Canada, named Derek, who didn’t believe God exists.

“Hello, I’m Derek, a 17 year-old boy from Canada. I feel like I have so much to say, so I will try to put it in words as best I can. Today I stumbled upon this website while researching Christianity for a school assignment. Up until this day, I had almost zero belief in life after death or there being a God. It’s hard to describe the emotions of debating whether we evolved or whether Jesus is true.. Having taken a course in anthropology, I’ve seen evidence (bones, skeletons, footprints etc) of the early stages of human life over 6 million years ago. I now believe in Jesus and God as much as I believe that we had evolved.

After reading “Is Jesus God?” I became intrigued; the possibility of an afterlife/God in my mind had grown substantially. Until now, I would never agree to there being a God, but I would also never wholly refute it.

I would like to thank you, for this website has given me reason to believe. Beginning to understand God’s ‘master plan’, so to speak, has filled me with…hope.

Your website has impacted my life, as it differs from other religious sites.. After reading, I feel like I want nothing more in life than to believe in God, to make him happy, follow Jesus’ teachings and be the best Christian I can be. I now want to believe, truly do. Anyways, in a small way (very large in my mind) you’ve ‘converted’ me. Thank you.”


How thankful we are for Derek and others who are discovering the truth about Jesus on the Internet. And it all started with a simple 5¢ advertisement.

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