33202 5 Steps to Overcome Irresponsibility

Are you struggling with being irresponsible? We have outlined a five-step process to help you change and heal in this area of your life. Take all the time you need with each of the steps below.

Step 1:  Adopt a Correct View of God

A poor conception of God may well lie behind your problem with irresponsibility. For example, if you see God as an uncaring and detached deity, you will likely have the same attitude toward life. Are the following points ones you need to take to heart?

God is absolutely concerned about every aspect of our lives.

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? (Romans 8:31)

God uses His power on our behalf.

The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)

In your Bible, read a sampling of some of the key events in salvation history, such as creation, the call of Abram, the exodus, and so on. Examine these events from the perspective of God’s activity in the world. Begin to develop a picture of God as a deity who is far from apathetic or irresponsible toward His creation.

Step 2:  Revise Your False Beliefs

Irresponsibility is fed by erroneous beliefs about life and one’s place in it. How might your false views have helped to make you irresponsible? Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you believe you cannot make any real changes in your world?

I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)

Do you believe that the needs of others are none of your concern?

Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Goodbye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? (James 2:15–16)

Use a concordance to help you trace the themes of laziness and diligence through the Scriptures. Seek God’s help to correct your unbiblical views of life as they apply to irresponsibility.

Step 3:  Repent of Your Sin

What type of irresponsibility is your downfall? Name it and disclaim it. Pray a simple prayer of repentance, and ask God to supernaturally motivate you into action.

God, I have been guilty of __________. I know it is sinful, and I am sorry for the way I have let You down. Forgive me now, I pray. Wash away the stain of this sin. Make me over into a person who uses Your power to reject irresponsibility and embrace a diligent lifestyle—one that pleases You. I ask these things in Christ’s name, amen.

If you have harmed others with your sin, apologize to them. Seek reconciliation and offer restitution where appropriate.

Step 4:  Defend against Spiritual Attacks

Now that you have repented, watch out for demotivating spiritual attacks. They are certain to occur.

  • In the world system, responsibility is not a high value in itself. The world would tell you to only do what you need to in order to get by—everything else is a waste. But God’s values in this area are quite different. He wants diligence to be a regular part of your nature. You can overcome the world by rejecting its values and embracing God’s values instead.
  • Laziness and other types of irresponsibility are pleasurable to your flesh (sinful nature)—they are easy and comfortable. The flesh will desire to get that kind of pleasure back. But you must recall that your flesh is really dead now, because of Christ. You are a new person and are to obey the Spirit and not the flesh.
  • The Devil is scheming to draw you back to your old ways of irresponsibility. Put on all the armor of God to defend against him (Ephesians 6:10–18). If you will resist the Devil in God’s power, you can defeat him.

The quickest way to become irresponsible in life again is to be irresponsible about defending against spiritual attacks. Such attacks will come, and you should be ready for them. But remember that God will be empowering you and helping you be successful every time.

Step 5:  Flee Temptation

The best way to avoid being tempted to lie on the couch and watch the world go by is to just do something. Take these active steps to be a more active person.

Focus on your relationship with God.

Begin your new, more disciplined life by maintaining your spiritual disciplines with God. He has something for you to do; ask Him what it is.

Latch on to God’s promises.

Find Bible verses that speak encouragement to you in your struggle against irresponsibility. Commit the verses to memory and use them when temptation arises. Here is one you may find valuable:

He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. (Isaiah 40:29)

Establish safeguards.

What inspires you to be irresponsible? Do whatever it takes to block such influences from your life. These are examples of the kinds of things you can do:

  • If you are lazy, make a “to-do” list of the things you ought to accomplish.
  • If you tend to procrastinate, create a calendar with all the deadlines for the things you are supposed to do.
  • If you typically leave your bedroom a mess, set your alarm a few minutes earlier so you can straighten it up every morning.
  • Ask a trusted Christian friend to hold you accountable in your commitment to not be irresponsible any longer.

Expect victory.

The Holy Spirit will motivate you into action if you will yield your heart to Him. Trust Him to make you a diligent person. Look forward to the victory He will give.