22010.002 Get to Know God Better

This “Become More in Christ 365” series leads you through both Bible study and devotional articles throughout a year.

You begin with a Bible study lesson on the first day of a week. Then on Day 2 through Day 6, you read devotional articles. They offer insights into the Bible based on passages found in the first four books of the New Testament, which are known as the Gospels or “Good News.”

It is often recommended that a good place for new Christians to begin reading the Bible is in the Gospel of John, which is the fourth gospel. And so, beginning tomorrow (Day 3), the first 40 devotionals will come from the beginning of the book of John.

As one of Jesus’ disciples and a devoted follower, John gives us a personal, powerful look at Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. Throughout this gospel, John proves that Jesus is the Son of God and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life. John doesn’t tell us about Jesus’ birth, childhood, or beginning ministry, his sole focus is to convince us that Jesus is God’s Son and that He brings eternal life to all who believe in Him.

These short, daily, inspirational readings that you will be reading throughout the week are devotional thoughts penned by Beth Yoe. Several years ago, Beth began writing a series for her family and friends entitled “Sharing Bread”. These devotionals are based on a systematic reading of God’s Word, oftentimes verse by verse, and include what God has shown her through the Scriptures during her own devotional times.

Beth has found God’s Word to be precious and profitable for each one of us! It is her prayer that as you read and reflect upon these devotionals you will be encouraged and equipped to be firm and steadfast in your relationship with God. Her goal is to help you discover the person of Jesus Christ and His saving, redeeming power.

These devotionals will challenge and encourage you to experience God and fully live the life He has planned for you.

The Bible is the primary way that God communicates His desires for His people to His people! By taking time to read God’s Word on a regular basis, you will grow spiritually and be able to stand firm when difficulties and deceptions come into your life. The Bible is nothing less than the words God himself chose for us to hear! The Bible is God’s “road map” for your life. It is the best resource you have for learning more about what God has for you.

As soon as possible, start using the Bible in this app! If possible, see if you can also get a hard copy of the Bible. You can also read the Bible online in many different languages.

In the Bible, you will find encouragement and insight into the person of God. The more you read God’s Word, the more you will know about Him and His plan for you and for the world. Let the Word of God sink deep into your mind and spirit, until the words of God become an inseparable part of who you are.

Devotional Format

Every devotional article begins with the Scripture, followed by the main reflection by Beth Yoe.

It is a good habit to develop to read the verse in its context. Open the NET Bible in this JO App and read the section where the verse is found.

The devotional ends with “Become More” and “Further Reflections.” These last two sections are designed to encourage you to reflect more on the main theme. Take time to write down your thoughts, insight, discovery, reaction, and/or decisions.

Whenever the Holy Spirit reveals the truth of God to you, it is of utmost importance that you put it into practice. We express our love for the Lord by obedience to His truth (John 14:21), and our faith in Jesus will result in action if it is genuine (James 2:26).