23590 My Prayer List

It is helpful to make your own prayer list. It serves as a reminder to pray for others more consistently. When God answers your prayers, the list also works as a “memorial” to remember how God has been good and gracious toward you.

Sometimes, you know what people need because you have spoken with them. Other times, you don’t know what they need, but you have a burden to pray for them. You can ask the Lord, “What do you want me to pray about specifically for this person?”

Here are some practical tips to keep your prayer list.

Keep It Usable

There is no right or wrong way to keep a list. Use whatever system works for you. What is important is that:

  1. You pray regularly and consistently.
  2. You remember what to pray for them.
  3. You can record God’s answers to the prayers.

Where to Keep the List


You can use the JoApp NOTES (icon on the top right corner) to create your personal prayer list. NOTES is accessible from the menu at any time. You will find your prayer list along with other notes you have taken. The benefit of the JoApp NOTES is that it is simple and is part of the app you already use.


Some people keep your prayer list in a journal. As a spiritual discipline, some people keep a journal on a regular basis. As part of writing, they also keep a prayer list in it. You can purchase journals. Some are fancy, but you can use (buy) a simple notebook for a journal.

Other Lists

You can keep one list for all of your prayer requests. Or you can categorize them. In this app, there are several areas of Christian life where we are called to pray, particularly for others (intercession) in addition to for our own needs. You can access them from here, and keep your prayer list under each category.

Praying for My Family and Friends

Praying for My Church and Special Ministries

Praying for My Community, State, and Nation

Praying for Believers Around the World

Other Prayers of Intercession

Help Me with My Needs, Lord

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