33031 Step 1. Knowing God: The Purification Process

The Purification Process The ways in which people have gone wrong in their opinions about their Creator are almost as numerous as the human race itself. The diversity of religious beliefs in the world bears witness to how we can be misled about God. First of all, of course, it is important to believe that …

33022 The Secret to Lasting Health: Fruitful for God

Fruitful for God Many Christians would name Galatians 5:22-23—the passage about the “fruit of the Spirit”—as among their favorite verses in the Bible. But are you aware that Galatians 5 refers not to one kind of fruit but to two? The Spirit produces love, joy, peace, and all the rest, surely enough, but before that …

33023 The Secret to Lasting Health: Spiritual Breathing

Spiritual Breathing In the process of breathing, our lungs expel carbon dioxide (dangerous to our health) and take in oxygen (needed for proper tissue function). Similarly, spiritual breathing is “exhaling” guilt through confession and “inhaling” grace through filling by the Holy Spirit. Whenever we have sinned, we can “breathe” in this way. The main difference …

33024 The Secret to Lasting Health: Love The Main Virtue

Love: The Main Virtue Every virtue is important, but none other is so important as love. To Jesus, love for God and love for people represented the sum of all obedience (see Matthew 22:34-40). When Paul talked about taking off the rags of sin and putting on new garments of righteousness, he commented, “The most …

33021 The Secret to Lasting Health: Dressed for Godliness

Dressed for Godliness The Bible pairs the idea of eliminating sin with the idea of adopting holiness so consistently that we must take it to be an important principle of the Christian life. One of the clearest examples occurs in the letter to the Colossians. Here Paul used the image of taking off the old …