34732 Damaging Comparisons

Sisters Kendra and Connie Evans were much alike, except that Kendra was an “ugly duckling” in comparison with her blonde, blue-eyed, younger sister. The difference had been repeatedly noted even in childhood. ”What a perfectly beautiful child!” strangers had exclaimed over Connie. And through the years, Mrs. Evans never tired of hearing this praise for …

34100 Relationship Starts With You

How do you find inner peace? What is it that brings true happiness? If you’re ready to find the source of true peace, contemplate the principles outlined in the following articles and you’ll discover how to have the peacefulness you crave. The Sin Factor Has it been difficult for you to find inner peace? There …

34200 Broken Relationships

Anger and unforgiveness are a barrier to our relationship with the Lord and others. Choosing to forgive and love others by faith, regardless of our feelings, is God’s desire. Dr. Henry Brandt shares insights in the articles below to help teach you how to resolve anger.  How to Deal with Your Anger Anger is a universal …