65503 3. Knowing God (Step 1: Adopt a correct view of God)

If we want to stop committing a habitual sin, we should first look at what we are doing and then develop strategies for changing our behavior, right? Wrong. The first step should be to start at the other end—not with ourselves but with God. That is why step one in breaking a sinful habit is …

65504 4. Embracing Truth (Step 2: Revise your false beliefs)

One time a man named George came to me (Henry) for counseling. Actually, I was the second counselor this man had gone to. George wanted me to interpret what the first counselor had said.  George’s perceived problems included feeling bored with church, dissatisfied with his wife, and annoyed with his colleagues at work. He had …

65506 6. Defending Your Ground (Step 4: Defend against spiritual attacks)

I (Bill) became a Christian in my early twenties through the influence of a group of young adults at Hollywood Presbyterian Church in California. Quickly I began ministering in a number of ways and saw God blessing my efforts. Around the same time, though, I accepted a member of my church as a partner into …

65507 7. Preventing Setbacks (Step 5: Flee temptation)

Since the beginning of Campus Crusade for Christ, I (Bill) have made it my policy never to be alone with any woman other than my wife, Vonette. I have seen the way other Christian leaders have failed in the area of sexual purity and have brought disaster upon their ministries as a result. Even the …