95015 Czech

Následující titul je ke stažení ve formátu PDF Dobrodružství života s Ježíšem Následující články naleznete na stránkách y-jesus.org/czech (externí odkaz). Kdo byl skutečný Ježíš? Existovala jakási Da Vinciho konspirace? Je Ježíš Bůh? Jsou evangelia spolehlivými zdroji? Povstal Ježíš Z Mrtvých? Je Ježíš i dnes stále relevantní? Gnostická evangelia:  Jsou skutečným příběhem Ježíše Krista? Prohlašoval Ježíš, …

88300.T Jesus’ Resurrection and You II

Video Transcript Watch the Video According to eyewitnesses, a man named Jesus Christ demonstrated his power over death. They tell us that after he died on a cross and was buried, Jesus suddenly appeared to them alive on the third day. Then he was seen by other followers, including 500 people on a single occasion. …

88200 40 Days of God’s Love II

“God, I want to experience more of your love.” Take a 40-day devotional journey with God. Download your free devotional book now! Encounter God’s Love in a Fresh, Powerful Way. Tap into the wisdom shared in “40 Days of God’s Love.” This enlightening guide is a daily adventure with God— guaranteed to engage your heart. It is a …

33081 Your Sin Diagnosis: The Personality of Sin

The Personality of Sin Have you ever wondered why you are more vulnerable to certain types of temptation than to others? Have you ever wondered why your sin diagnosis looks different from that of a friend or a family member? Why does your problem happen to be with this sin and not that? Each of us has a …

33082 Your Sin Diagnosis: Becoming a Recovering Sinner

Becoming a Recovering Sinner Trying to live a holy life is a complex proposition. It is not as simple as deciding to obey a few rules and then doing it. While temptation may change its aspect or approach us from a different angle, it never goes away. It is like driving a car. Whenever you …

33083 Your Sin Diagnosis: Introducing the Sin Families

Introducing the Sin Families Sins tend to gather in what we call “families”—groups of related sins. If you have a problem with drinking, for example, it is a part of the overindulgence family, which includes such sins as gluttony, drunkenness, drug abuse, shopaholism, and the overuse of media. All such sins relate to indulging too …