52001 Has Science Discovered God?

To watch the video based on this article, go HERE. Einstein didn’t believe it was possible. Stephen Hawking said it might be the greatest scientific discovery of all time. What discovery has baffled the greatest scientific minds of the past century, and why has it caused them to rethink the origin of our universe? New, …

53001 Are the Gospels Reliable?

Are the New Testament gospels the true eyewitness history of Jesus Christ, or could the story have been changed through the years? Must we simply take the New Testament accounts of Jesus by faith, or is there evidence for their reliability? The late ABC News anchor Peter Jennings was in Israel broadcasting a television special …

53002 Is the Bible True?

In 1536, William Tyndale, who’s been called the “Father of the English Bible,” was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. His passion to make the Bible available to everyone cost him his life. But why would Tyndale give his life for a mere book? Tyndale, and other martyrs who have suffered …

52002 Does the Universe Have a Beginning?

Back to the Beginning Scientific discoveries revive the ancient belief in a beginning to the universe. If we could rewind the history of the universe, what would we discover about its origin and development? Did it really have a beginning, or was it always there? The influential ancient philosopher Aristotle stated, “It is impossible that …

32711 Advancing Christ’s Kingdom

Advancing. The word implies movement and direction—things becoming different than they are now. Like a hiker trudging through thick forest for the promise of breathtaking panoramas ahead, we Christians believe we’re on a journey with a destination. Life is not just a meaningless mess of things, circular repetitions, or a choose-your-own-adventure. We are meant to …