53008 Does the Bible Demonstrate Divine Authorship?

Isaac Newton was the scientist famous for discovering gravity. Called by many as the greatest scientific mind prior to Einstein, Newton began investigating the Bible to determine whether or not it is authentic. Applying his brilliant mind to the evidence, Newton concluded, “There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any …

53007 Is the Bible Consistent with Science?

Last time we studied the Bible’s rational, unified themes which would be expected if it is truly God’s Word. That is our first line of evidence that the Bible at least could be God’s special message to us. Let’s look at how other evidence lines up.  Our next question is:  Is the Bible Consistent with …

53006 Is the Bible’s Portrayal of People, Places and Events Accurate?

If the Bible is true, it must be historically reliable. In other words, its portrayal of people, places and events must be accurate, or how could we trust what it says about God, Jesus Christ and our purpose of existence? Many skeptics argue that the Old Testament stories are based upon imaginary people, and the …

53005 Does the Bible Foretell Future Events Accurately?

The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies predicting future events. Imagine knowing in advance who will be the next Prime Minister of Great Britain or the President of the United States in 2050. Or, what the greatest invention of the 25th century will be. Or what the stock market will do next year. Or the winning …

53004 Did the Old Testament Accurately Predict Jesus as the Messiah?

Reading the Old Testament, it becomes clear that Someone is coming. Bible scholar Ray Stedman says that “Someone” is God’s promised Messiah: From the very beginning of the Old Testament, there is a sense of hope and expectation, like the sound of approaching footsteps: Someone is coming!… That hope increases…as prophet after prophet declares yet …

53003 Is the Bible Historically Reliable?

We have seen how the Bible demonstrates divine authorship and how it is consistent with science. But if the Bible is true, it must also be historically reliable. In other words, its portrayal of people, places and events must be accurate. Many skeptics argue that the Bible as we know it has changed over the …

53001 Are the Gospels Reliable?

Are the New Testament gospels the true eyewitness history of Jesus Christ, or could the story have been changed through the years? Must we simply take the New Testament accounts of Jesus by faith, or is there evidence for their reliability? The late ABC News anchor Peter Jennings was in Israel broadcasting a television special …

53002 Is the Bible True?

In 1536, William Tyndale, who’s been called the “Father of the English Bible,” was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. His passion to make the Bible available to everyone cost him his life. But why would Tyndale give his life for a mere book? Tyndale, and other martyrs who have suffered …