37208 Living Life God’s Way

Are you living life God’s way, or your own way? Do you know how God defines “successful living”? Are you letting God have His way in your life? God changes people from the inside out. It all begins with heart change that leads to personal transformation, which makes it possible to have healthy relationships.

Heart Change

Find New Life in Christ

While secular psychology offers many self-improvement techniques, none produce the transformation God desires. True heart change is only possible through new spiritual birth—becoming a new creation in Christ—which produces lasting change.

Acknowledge Sin

Many “experts” claim that bad behavior is not really the fault of the one who does it. The Bible says all problems (family, finances, career, relationships) can be traced to a single source: life-dominating sin. Heart change involves taking responsibility for one’s own actions, not blaming others.

Offer Genuine Repentance

Sincere repentance is a process involving five aspects that blend into a genuine spiritual turnaround. Five prayers illustrate this process: 

  1. “God, I am wrong.”
  2. “I am sorry.”
  3. “Forgive me.”
  4. “Cleanse me.”
  5. “Empower me.”

Personal Transformation

Walk in the Spirit

The only way believers can live the Christian life is by surrendering to and relying upon the Holy Spirit to empower us in every circumstance.  By faith, we can draw upon God’s supernatural resources to live a holy and fruitful life.

Think Biblically

Belief causes behavior.  When our decisions are based on biblical truth, the resulting choices lead to spiritually healthy and productive lives, which are pleasing to God.

Behave Obediently

All too often our feelings or emotions can override the truth of a situation and cause us to make bad decisions.  When our lives are firmly rooted in our relationship with God and His Word, we view our feelings from a proper perspective and biblical choices become natural to us.